Producing the things you want to say, in the ways you want to say them.
- Brookeline Publishing House Inc
- Word excellence. We edit and publish to a high standard.
- Business marketing consulting.
- Writing, editing and content development for print and online; marketing strategy consulting.
- Consulting for creative and authentic results as delivered through news media, marketing and public relations.
- Contact | On Twitter (X): @BrookelinePbHse
- MapleLine Business Centre
- Document preparation (concept, messaging, content and design) and output (print and/or digital).
- Advertising design and marketing strategies (including digital, news media, and mailouts through Canada Post).
- Professional document management including editing, packaging and delivery.
- Full confidentiality assured for corporate bids.
- Quality print output and laminating.
- Web content and site-navigation analysis; web-hosting services.
- Request print/project price quote.
- Island Social Trends
- Brookeline Publishing House Inc publishes Island Social Trends, a professional news publication serving a readership in the Greater Victoria area and South Vancouver Island region (since mid-2020, building on previous publications since 2008).
- Socioeconomic editorial content focuses on analysis in business, economy, health, education, politics and community leadership. Advertisements are placed by businesses, non-profits and government in the local region, around Vancouver Island, and the province.
- Daily news portal (24/7) at including searchable content archive (by category, topic, author, etc), editorials, letters, and op-eds.
- Digital ENews digest to paying subscribers by email; courtesy sampler version available to for short periods.
News posts on Facebook at IslandSocialTrends (west shore focus).(As of June 2023, not active on Facebook due to the siphoning of ad revenue from the news media sector.)- Twitter streams by region: @IslandSocTrends (Vancouver Island, BC, national), and legacy at @SookeVoiceLOCAL. As well, Island Social Trends publisher/editor Mary P Brooke is on Twitter @MaryPBrooke.
- On Twitter (X) we contribute to a deeper and broader understanding of journalism and the media publishing industry.
- Following the principles of Plain English and Accessible Writing, and the CP Style Guide (revised for online as required).
- Guiding aspiring youth in learning about journalism with opportunities for articles to be published.
- Contact the editor | Book some advertising | Submit letter or photo
- Astral Pathways
- A consulting and report-writing service providing insights for businesses and individuals around lifestyle growth and corporate development.
- Payment options:
- Phone 250-217-5821 to pay by credit card (do *not* send credit card information by email).
- E-Transfer to (auto-deposit).
- Corporate EFT to (provide vendor number).
- Corporate cheque by postal mail. Send to mailing address as shown on invoice.
- Online purchases using credit card or online debit card can be made through the payment portal. [This method is temporarily on pause]

This page last updated: July 31, 2023