Brookeline Publishing House Inc has been operating in the Greater Victoria area since 1995, in the print and digital realms.
Print & digital:
We know the print world, including pre-digital.
From the start of the Internet days we’ve been heralding the importance of content in online presentations.
Standards and mission:
We aim to make a positive contribution to a knowledge-based society and information-based economy. We set high standards for products, services and client relations.
Our mojo is based on excellence of the written word and clear communication, through writing, editing, design and publishing for print and online.
Three cousins:
We understand the difference between journalism, public relations, and marketing strategy in a way that respects those three spheres for their distinct roles in engaging with the public sphere.
- We help small businesses present themselves with creativity and authenticity to help build business reputation and enhance the bottom line. Consulting includes learning the best way to spend marketing dollars and best use of social media to brand and impact sales.
- We help larger businesses with whatever pieces need attention. That could include website content or navigation flow, presentation documentation, photo file management, or the big stuff like speechwriting.
- We’re looping back in 2023 to start working again with clients who want to have books developed and printed. That could be individual authors, organizations, or businesses who have a story to tell. We build books from the ground up — from your initial idea through editing and formatting, to the final printed/PDF page.
The office:
Since 2017, the Brookeline office has been in Langford, in the fast-growing west shore area of South Vancouver Island. Before that, our business was in Sooke for 10 years including a retail storefront print shop (MapleLine Business Centre) and newspaper office. At inception, Brookeline operated out of an office in Oak Bay, from 1995 through the dot com heyday to 2007.

This page last updated: July 31, 2023